Why... you shouldn't trust your eyes
I see it, but I don't believe it!
Georg Cantor
Up to which point are optical illusions metaphors?
Anamorphic Illusions
Courtesy of
Julian Beever.
Courtesy of
John Pugh.
Moving immobility
Courtesy of
A. Kitaoka.
Black and White
color(square A) = color(square B) ! Courtesy of
Edward H. Adelson.
How many different colors? (see | hide)
(author: again A. Kitaoka)
See also the Lottolab for other illusions with colors.
Now for something completely different:
Upside-Down view
Do you recognize her? Check!
Close view, far view
Courtesy of
Philippe G. Schyns, Aude Oliva.
Last but not least:
Print Gallery
by M. C. Escher.
A remarkable study of the "Droste effect" can be found in Leiden.
Oh, and don't forget to take a little tour :)
last updated: July 2009